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TFT LCD Display LVDS Interface

Recent growth in processor power, multi-media, virtual-reality and networking has demanded more bandwidth than ever before. But the point-to-point physical layer interfaces have not been able to handle moving information at the data rates required. Some of today’s biggest challenges that remain to be solved include: the ability to transfer data fast, consume less power, and economical solutions to overcome the physical layer bottleneck. LVDS was created to tackle such challenge.


Short for Low Voltage Differential Signaling, a low noise, low power, low amplitude general purpose interface standard that solves the bottleneck problems while servicing a wide range of application areas. LVDS supports high-speed (gigabits per second) data transmission over copper wires.

Low Voltage - LVDS technology is not dependent on a specific power supply, e.g. +5V. Which means it is easy to migrate your design to lower supply voltages, such as +3 volts or even lower, while still maintaining the same signaling levels and performance.

Differential Signaling - LVDS uses a dual wire system, running 180 degrees of each other. Normal digital I/O works with, say 5 volts as a high (binary 1) and 0 volts as a low (binary 0). When using a differential, you add a third option (-5 volts), which provides extra level to encode data. Noise coupled onto the interconnect is seen as common mode modulations by the receivers and is easily filtered out. The receivers respond only to differential voltages. That's why LVDS interface has better performance against EMI.


There are three main flavors, when it comes to LVDS interfaces for TFT LCD connectivity: 18-bit data format, 24-bit VESA data format and 24-bit JEIDA data format. Below is the three major TFT LVDS signal mapping.

Among the 3 data formats, 18-bit and 24-bit JEIDA data signals can be understood by TFT LCD display that supports 18-bit or 24-bit JEIDA input format.

 TFT LCD display's LVDS interface brings several benefits to the table, high noise enduring, high speed transmission and can transmit over a longer distance. Topway produces many TFT LCD displays with LVDS interface. They come with various screen sizes and resolutions.

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