Case study
Human society relies on electricity. And active power filter is a critical part in power grid system.
Five years ago, Topway LCD signage officially entered United Nations' meeting rooms.
TFT LCD displays for outdoor use need to have special characteristics to defend harsh environment.
TFT LCD display is external facing component in a product. ESD test on TFT LCD screen is a must before a product can be launched to market.
Most EV Chargers are installed outdoor. Which requires their screens to survive punitive working environment.
Smart LCD Module is Topway's solution to off-load heavy lifting of display & touch control from host MCU, and simplify engineer's development effort.
We use Topway’s LCD module in our coffee machines, from monochrome display to TFT screen.
BPS is a device that performs counting, sorting, authentication all at one time. LCD's speed and precision are very important.
In our BPS project, Topway people put up a 1st class support performance. Their total commitment and expertise on LCD technology are important factors in the project's succeed.