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TFT LCD Flickering Problem - Case Study

TFT LCD display flickering problem origins from vary sources. Topway's technical support team worked with clients solved another screen flickering issue.

TFT LCD Display Flickering on Programmable Electronic Loads

We have this customer, who uses Topway TFT LCD display on the new Programmable Electronic Loads project. An electronic load is a instrument that voltage and sinks current. Programmable electronic load, unlike passive resistive load, offers variety of voltage/current ranges and operates under multiple modes. It is an indispensable tool for functional test on batteries, solar cells, wind generator and other power sources.

programmable electronic load

During testing, customer observed serious screen flickering problem when the instrument operated in -10℃ environment. And the TFT LCD screen returned to normal after one minute in operation.

Topway's support engineers joint customer's project team immediately. The engineer group drew out a game plan to tackle the TFT LCD flickering problem.

  • Possible cause: defective TFT LCD screen

Topway TFT LCD displays are designed to work in -20℃ to 70℃ environment. Stand-alone TFT LCD screen was lit up and put into below -10℃ room for 30 minutes. There was no flickering symptom observed. So the TFT LCD itself is not the culprit. 

  • Possible cause: unstable power source

The engineers hooked up a monitor device on LCD screen's power supply, saw no fluctuation in term of voltage and current. But LCD screen flickering persisted. 

  • Possible cause: unstable oscillator signal

After analyzing Phase Locked Loop synthesizer output signal, engineers realized the frequency was set too high. Adjusting that solved the TFT LCD's flickering issue.

Topway support team successfully help customer resolve the TFT screen issue. And the programmable electronic load device passed all the necessary tests.

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