TOPWAY TM035KDZ25-09 Compatible with TIANMA TM035KDH03-00
TIANMA TM035KDH03-00 is a popular 3.5" TFT LCD module in display market, and it is not easy to put hands on. So there are many copycats exist. Topway, as a professional TFT display solution provide, we invest on a Tianma made TFT display module TM035KDZ25-09, supplying our customers with an TFT LCD made by Tianma. Followings are the comparison between the two models:
1. Outline Compare
Based on their outline drawings, the two TFT LCD displays have the same outline dimention and thickness. Active Area are also the same.

2. FPC Terminal Compare
The FPC terminals have the same pin sequence and are physically compatible
- 54pin FPC terminal
- Pitch 0.5mm
- Pin sequence
- 54pin FPC terminal
- Pitch 0.5mm
- Pin sequence

3. Driver IC Compare
They are using the identical driver IC.
- Driver IC: NV3035C
- Signal I/F: CCIR_656/601, 24bit/8bit_RGB(SYNC/DE)
- Driver IC: NV30035C
- Signal I/F : CCIR_656/601, 24bit/8bit_RGB(SYNC/DE)
4. Circuit Power Supply Compare
There is only a minor difference on the operating range.
- Supply Voltage = 4.0V (max.)
- Supply Voltage = 5.0V (max.)
5. Device Power Supply Compare
There are the same.
6. LED Backlight Compare
Their backlights' electrical characters are the same and have the same life span.
TOPWAY_TM035KDZ25-09 provide 50,000hr life time

7. Timing Characteristics
As they are using the same IC, the speed and timing are the same.

- TOPWAY TM035KDZ25-09 can be a drop in replacement of TIANMA TM035KDH03-00 as they are totally compatible.
- Please refer their specification for further details
- For sample and further inquiry, please contact